The Latest NEWS

5/08/2024 - Christine Novicky of the Vienna Historical Society teamed up with Karen Dahman of the Fowler Historical Society to bring local history to the classroom! They visited 3rd grade students at Baker School to talk about Vienna and Fowler history.

1/12/2024 - YouTube Channel: The Society now has a YouTube channel! Let us know if you have video recordings of past events in Vienna Township to share!

1/3/2024 - New roof on the Copper Penny! In 2023, ARPA funds were awarded to the Society by the Trumbull County Commissioners. Some of the funds were used to replace the roof, downspouts, and gutters. The chimney was also removed from the back of the building.

12/16/2023 - The annual membership dinner was held! 28 people were in attendance.

9/16/2023 - The Society's first member meeting was held at the Copper Penny!

6/04/2023 - The Society held its first annual golf outing fundraiser at Bronzwood Golf Club in Kinsman. There were 16 teams participating in the event. Many thanks to the numerous sponsors, participants, and volunteers for making this event a success!

5/09/2023 - Christine Novicky of the Vienna Historical Society teamed up with Dave Cover of the Fowler Historical Society to bring local history to the classroom! They visited 3rd grade students at Baker School to talk about Vienna and Fowler history.

2/11/2023 - The Society officially took ownership of the former Coppery Penny Lodge as a future meeting and display space. Work in future months will occur for upgrades to the building. If you would like to contribute to the efforts of the Society please contact us at

10/07/2022 - The Vienna Historical Society is selling Christmas Cards featuring scenes in Vienna Township! 

There are two sets available for purchase.

Click here to download the order form! Cards are available for purchase at any time!

7/31/2022 - The CatalogIt project, which began in January and featured select items from the Society's collection, was finally completed! Over 500 photos and archives were scanned and entered into the online database. A link to the collection may be found here. This project was coordinated by the Trumbull County Historical Society.

6/25/2022 - Two fallen obelisks in the Vienna Township Cemetery were repaired by Hallowed Ground Cemetery Preservation with funds from Vienna Township, a cemetery grant, and a donation from a private donor. Fixed were the Abiel Bartholomew and John Scovill obelisks.

Bartholmew Obelisk
Bartholmew Obelisk
Scovill Obelisk
Scovill Obelisk

5/19/2022 - President Christine Novicky teamed up with Dave Cover of the Fowler Historical Society to give a 45 minute talk to 3rd graders at Baker Elementary School about local history.

2/27/2022 - The Society is participating in the CatalogIt project via the Trumbull County Historical Society. All digital photos and some archives will be on digital display on the CatalogIt website. Stay tuned for more details!

7/31/2021 - Society members worked in the summer of 2021 to preserve Doud Cemetery. Over thirty tombstones were reset and cleaned.

5/10/2021 - The Society is currently documenting graves in all four Vienna cemeteries using the Find a Grave database. Find a Grave, owned by, is a website that allows the public to search and add to an online database of cemetery records. It receives and uploads digital photographs of headstones from burial sites, taken by volunteers at cemeteries.  The Find a Grave app also includes a GPS function to mark the approximate location of a grave.

On May 10, 2021, a group of Mathews High School National Honors Society students volunteered several hours of their time by adding tributes to the Find a Grave database at Crown Hill Burial Park.

2/13/2021 - The Vienna Historical Society received an email from Mr. Thomas Starr of Howland about a picture frame that he purchased 25-30 years ago at a local garage sale. Behind the picture in the frame was a keepsake marriage certificate. Frank P. Peters and Pearl F. Carter, both of Vienna, married on February 16, 1915, were named on the certificate. Mr. Starr wanted to know if the Society was interested in the 16" x 20" document. Due to its genealogical nature, the Society decided to get this item back to the Peters family. Using a combination of genealogical resources, Jeffrey Ford, Society Board Member, was able to locate relatives that were happy to receive the certificate, just in time for Frank and Pearl Peters' 106th wedding anniversary.

Above: Image of Frank P. and Pearl F. Peters.

Right: Frank and Pearl's keepsake marriage certificate.

The couple were married in Trumbull County on February 16, 1915.  They are buried in the Vienna Township Cemetery.

1/10/2021 - The Vienna Township Trustees recently purchased a case for the Society to display artifacts from its collection. All artifacts in the case are labeled with a description and name of the donor. The case is located in the Vienna Township Hall.

10/11/2020 - Society members worked in September and October to preserve Dunlap Cemetery. Over two dozen tombstones were reset and cleaned. Work in the cemetery will continue in the spring of 2021.

Society members work to restore Dunlap Cemetery, Fall 2020.For more information on cemetery preservation efforts click here.